Friday, August 31, 2007

I Took 100 Pictures at the Beach

but I could only find 8 where the horizon was level.

Pink Haired Mermaids of the Pacific Northwest

Lucy poses with a mermaid in her natural environment. The plentiful rainfall in this forest allows a healthy population of banana slugs, which the mermaids capture and try to sell to passing day hikers.

Queen Lucy the Valiant

...rides Ginger. Charlotte claims the horse is really named "Boukee". Check out the novel use of a tiara as a bridle. No noseband. Queens ride Western?

Was Kung Fu Ever Uncool?

Dated? Monopolized by David Carradine? Lucy doesn't think so either.

Smoke Gets in our Eyes

Man, these digital cameras are so deceptive. There was a ton of smoke everywhere, but it doesn't show up here. It was in everyone's eyes, and it followed us everywhere, no matter where we sat. And there were a ton of people sitting around the campfire, shoulder to shoulder, telling stories and gorging on a never ending stream of expertly crafted s'mores. You know, the kind where Sean lights the whole darn marshmallow on fire, but you don't notice because Amy warmed the chocolate segments by the fire, and so it became... well you know, there's nothing better than a s'more. Especially when you eat one with your eyes tightly sealed against the invisible smoke.